Morrison was contracted to lay & bury dual 12-inch pipelines and a 20-inch pipeline in 2-feet to 6-feet of water. The pipelines were installed in various pipeline sections with welded tie-ins installed along the pipeline routes. Burial of the lines were to 3-feet of cover. The project also involved a 20-inch and 30-inch hot tap. The subsea valve assembly installed allowed for two subsea tie-ins, (1) 12-inch and (1) 20 inch. The 12-inch pipelines terminated at the main facility and offshore platform. The 20-inch pipeline terminated at the main facility and subsea tie-in.
There were multiple unique aspects of this project, one of which was Morrison’s engineered solution to avoid mid-line tie-in flanges.
Additional unique aspects of the project:
- Pre-planned job with client to determine constructability issues related to the pipeline route
- Engineered solutions to provide safer, more cost-efficient solutions
- Worked with the client to perform temporary tie-in of 12-inch pipeline so that client could begin producing prior to project completion
- Installed approximately 18-miles of pipe and a subsea assembly that was over 100-feet in total length
- Project consisted of approximately 90 people, including in-house dive teams
Morrison laid inland pipeline with offshore conventional lay barges, which allowed for 24-hour pipelay operations. The project spanned over 7 months, with crews working 24/7 operations during winter months.