Able Bodied Seaman
Able Bodied Seaman
Basic Function:
The basic function of the position is to serve as watch stander to maintain a steady course and communicate utilizing navigational terms related to steering and heading. The Able Bodied Seaman performs general maintenance, repair, sanitation and upkeep of material, equipment, and areas in the deck department.
Responsibilities and Duties:
- Attaches slings, hooks and other lifting devices to cables, booms and hoists.
- Stands lookout, steering and engine room watches.
- Loads equipment and supplies aboard vessel by hand or using hoisting equipment.
- Signals other workers to move, hoist and position loads.
- Rows boats and dinghies and operates skiffs to transport personnel.
- Washes deck and other equipment.
- Lubricates, adjusts and makes minor repairs to engine and equipment.
- Secures and removes vessel’s docking lines to and from docks and other vessels or platforms.